“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing ” – Albert Einstein

I felt I needed something philosophical to start off my inaugural blog post. And… this is as philosophical as it will get 😛

This blog is an attempt to record down my inner musings and observations that I make daily as well as a concentrated effort to blog about my interests and passions. If you like DIY, cycling, investing or reading, you will definitely find this blog insightful!

As an Engineering student, I enjoy solving problems and understanding how things work. In fact, I frequently spend my time tinkering around with Nerf guns. As a Law student, I explore the legal implications of everyday decisions (try to). As a student, I am committed to self-development to positively impact the world I am in.

I’m looking forward to providing insightful ideas for all readers in the future 🙂

Thanks for visiting!